Free Counties

Free Counties

  • We are a grassroots organization of people who are committed to fighting for the unalienable rights of all citizens without regards to the divisiveness of partisan politics. We NEVER waver on the U.S. Constitution nor the individual state Constitutions. Our focus is on helping members to fight ONLY at the local level where we still have a voice and it must be against the ONE agenda that has brought communism to each subdivision, school district, town, and county of this, once great, “land of the free.” The ONLY agenda we fight against is the “sustainable development” agenda that goes by many other evil names such as “Agenda 21,” “The green new deal,” or…now, more specifically, “Agenda 2030.” If you are not actively fighting against this behemoth agenda then you are part of it by your silence. It’s no longer an option to sit back and do nothing. You MUST take back your local area against this communist takeover.




    Our Principles are important!
  • Public (anyone can view and join)

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