Steps to becoming a PC in Most States

Steps to becoming a PC:

1. Verify your precinct by checking your Voter Registration Card or calling your county election office.
2. Determine if your precinct position is open by obtaining a list of the current committee and leadership. There are several ways to do this:
a. Search the Internet for a website published by your County’s Central Committee. See if they list the CURRENT members by Precinct, Ward, or Township.
b. Check your state’s Sec of State website for a tab called “publications”. Look for the CURRENT “Official State Manual” and find a section called “Officers of the Republican Party.” In Missouri the Manual is at:
(Scroll down to your county.)
c. Join, Like, and Watch your County Cmte's FaceBook page, and/or Republican Clubs.
d. Search any of the above for an events calendar;
e. QUIETLY attend cmte events to meet people on the cmte and seek out the mPC for your precinct.
f. Ask your County Clerk’s office for a copy of “the current members of your Republican County Cmte (Do this as a last resort bc they will likely alert the County Chair who may not want people “snooping around” or be fearful that you will challenge their leadership.)
3. Find out the legal requirements for holding a precinct position, i.e. a residency requirement. In Missouri, it is one year from time of registering as a voter in your precinct.
4. Begin volunteering to help at cmte functions immediately. SERVING IS THE PATH TO LEADERSHIP!
5. Quietly determine if your County Cmte's leadership supports the America First Agenda (AFA) or the state’s RINO Establishment Cabal. Don't rant for DJT if the leaders are never-trumpets.
6.. If your PC position is filled, offer to assist the Cmte with Party work in your precinct. This will put you in a position to learn if they support AFA or if they need to be challenged in the next election cycle. I can coach you how to win when/if the time comes to do that.
7. If your PC position is open, seek out if/how vacancies can be filled between elections wo indicating you want to change county cmte leadership. There should be a provision designated in your County Cmte Bylaws but these will likely not be generally available. Active members should have a copy. In Missouri, smaller counties' vacancies are usually appointed by a vote of the Cmte but you may need a "sponsor" to nominate you.
8. Check out your state’s GOP state website for helpful resources for County Cmtees. In Missouri, go to: to access sample county bylaws (your county may vary somewhat).
9. Study Robert's Rules of order to prevent the current County Chair from blocking your attempts to upgrade your cmte's honesty and effectiveness.
10. Use the resources at to become better informed about how to save our Republic by returning to Constitutional principles.
11. If you are from a state other than Missouri, look for more specific information and a coach in your state here:
12. After doing the above steps, contact me if you have questions.
God bless you for stepping up,
John Putnam
*This link is from the 2019-2020 election cycle. The MO SOS office has not yet posted the results for 2021-2022. Many of the seats are probably the same because there is little competition for these positions.
Posted in Default Category on 2021 May 17 at 01:15 AM

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