Precinct Strategy Conference Calls are USUALLY on Monday Night at 9 pm EST (6pm PST), unless cancelled for a holiday. When I have to cancel at last minute, everyone can still get in and conduct a meeting and / or conversation. See below on how to join the call by zoom or from any telephone.
The Precinct Strategy Call for Monday September 30, 2024 is at 9 PM EST
Try to bring or send someone who is “mad as hell” with what’s happening to our country, but doesn’t know what to do. We will tell them what to do on this call.
Click the link below for the codes and instructions on how to join the call.
If you haven’t heard, President Trump ENDORSED the Precinct Strategy in writing, referring people to Dan Schultz’ website: Mike Lindell, the pillow guy, also endorsed the Precinct Strategy!
Meeting information, links & codes to join are listed below. Join by ZOOM or ANY phone. On Zoom, video is optional.
You can participate in one of two ways – by Zoom via computer or by using any phone:
1. Join the Zoom Meeting by Computer
(Microphone is needed, camera is preferred but not necessary)
Click the link below to enter the meeting and follow the prompts to join. Write down the Meeting ID right below and the participant ID and the Passcode before you click the link, because you’ll have to enter these.
But first – Copy down on a piece of paper:
Meeting ID: 876 1719 7297
Participant ID: 1776
—- and also —
The Passcode: 1776
You may be asked for all of them once you click the Zoom link above.
2. You can join the Call using any phone – (dial a phone number in a city near you from the phone number options listed below)
Choose one of these numbers to join in by any phone:
+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
IMPORTANT: Once the Call connects, you may be asked for all three of the following:
Meeting ID: 876 1719 7297
Participant ID: 1776
Passcode: 1776
If you’re in a country other than the USA, check out Zoom’s International Dial-in Numbers by clicking HERE
♦ Meeting opens for informal chat at 8:30pm EST & 5:30pm PST;
♦ The Official Meeting begins at 9 PM EST / 6 PM PST;
♦ After the meeting, and potential special guests are done speaking, we will have questions and discussion for any new people and anyone who wants to stay on the call. Thanks!
Special note from Jim Condit Jr.:
Majority of the call will be discussion, questions, and comments from you.
For New People to the call, and to fortify those already involved, we will briefly explain WHY we MUST do the Precinct Strategy to take back the nation;
Then an explanation of our new program for “Leader/Educators” who are willing to educate new people about taking back the country through the precinct system. — If you are so inclined, we want you on our Leadership/Educator Team; we would like to build up to 50 state leader/educators, and 3141 county leader/educators in order to oust those in power at the county level, change the congress, and save the constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the nation.
The formula is: —– a) meet like-minded people through like-minded groups in your local county; —– b) communicate via such as zoom calls, conference calls via such systems as, etc.; —– c) meet physically (in person) a few times with the like-minded people you find – nothing takes the place of actually meeting each other in person; —– d) look up the address of every like-minded person to see what precinct they live in; —– e) see how many are willing to run for Precinct Committeeman (or whatever that position is called in your state and county; —– f) all elected Precinct Committeeman go to the County Organizational meeting for your county, and try to elect “America Firsters” to be the Director and Executive Board of the Republican Party (and/or Democratic Party) in your county. (we are for many reasons concentrating on the Republican Party first, where the vast majority of “America Firsters” who want to save Liberty, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights are.
There is a “Facebook” side of where you can find other activists and leaders and share information on how to run freely. No Gatekeepers, talk to whoever you want. You can register or login immediately below.
Note: If you wish, BEFORE you get on the conference call, Sign Up or Login to our Private Precinct Social Network — the “Facebook” side of — by clicking below. You can also do this after the call:
Hear some past archived video calls on the following website page: