The following are good links to start finding information on running for precinct in your area, if you cannot find the information you need in your groups.
➤ Secretaries of State (SOS) Offices
➤ Find My State or Local Election Office Website
➤ Republican National Committee | GOP
➤ Democratic National Committee
➤ How To Guides by State & County
When you find the information you are looking for, please post it in your state and county groups, so others can utilize these procedures and run. You can create topics, upload documents, etc. in your groups.
Need Precinct Committeeman Marketing Materials & Strategy?

If you are running for precinct and are in need of some printed marketing materials to hand out, check out John Putnam’s flyer.
John is Network America’s MO state leader. Click on the image to download this WORD file, pop in your photo, edit and print!
This WORD file is located HERE
Thanks to John at
More Helpful Documents for Download
Precinct Committeeman Flyer
Precinct Committeeman Flyer – 2019-02-12
Precinct Committeeman Flyer – Generic
Precinct Committeeman Flyer Generic – 2019-02-12
(PC) Precinct Committeeman Fact Sheet
Two-Sided Strategy – Take over the RNC Graphic/Highlighted
Flyer Two-sided Strategy Take Over RNC Graphic highlighted 2017-11-12
Provided courtesy of Dan Schultz at
Arizona (R) Precinct Committeeman Handbook 2019
(As a sample)

Link to Handbook HERE
NA’s link to Handbook HERE
Texas (R) Precinct Chairman’s Handbook 2018
(As a sample)
Daniel Schultz – Book and Website:
Website: – See other recommended books by Dan Schultz below.
The OK Grassroots Project 1st Edition
Transforming the world by transforming your precinct
This short guide outlines a plan to restore accountability to our elected officials from a grassroots level, while strengthening our communities and encouraging citizen involvement. It builds a new model on an old pattern. Their plan is based on the “Committees of correspondence” first recommended by Samuel Adams to the Boston town meeting.
Davis and Morris present a case that townhall style meetings inside each voting precinct could renew the republic from the ground up. We are sure you will agree that the ideas are exciting, simple and actionable. This plan presents a blueprint for a structure to provide ongoing support to elected representatives, while simultaneously “growing” new candidates who can better represent the people.
CLICK>> to Get the E-Book
Websites: The Precinct Leader – OK Grassroots Project
Recommended books by Dan Schultz:
· Paul Revere’s Ride, by David Hackett Fischer
· The Minute Men: The First Fight: Myths and Realities of the American Revolution, by John R. Galvin
· Your American Yardstick: Twelve Basic American Principles, by Hamilton Abert Long
· The Discovery of Freedom: Man’s Struggle Against Authority, by Rose Wilder Lane
Download from this website by clicking HERE – AND also available from the source online as a pdf at the Ludwig von Mises Foundation website HERE
Vaccine Exemptions by State, Addressing Covid Misinformation, A Doctor and Minister that specializes in providing Religious Exemptions (who is also a Network America Member)…
Friends of Precinct:
Putnam’s Patriots is a growing group of patriots committed to returning our country to her Constitutional moorings with limited government, fiscal accountability, and personal responsibility starting at the precinct level of county government. We also want to restore the Founder’s “Success Formula” to America with less regulation, debt, and taxes and greater self-sufficiency in our lives. We believe that understanding the “Laws of Nature” and the “Founder’s Success Formula” are essential to our success.
Shake & Wake Radio